Steve SchwartzmanIn 1980 and 1981, in Austin, TX, Steven Schwartzman ( published two beautiful books of black and white stereo pairs shot with infrared film. Stereo Infrared Landscapes, shot between 1976 and 1980, and Bodies of Light, Infrared Stereo Nudes, shot between 1978 and 1980, show his classical training as a photographer. He gets it all right, composition, light, imagery, and depth. These are lovely, precious books. There was a third book published in 1980 called Hill Country Women. I have not been able to find a copy. Schwartzman has been doing a lot of 2D imaging lately. He recently released two CD-ROMs of Austin and the surrounding region, each containing over 1000 digital photographs plus text. His website is devoted mostly to 2D work: Steve Schwartzman |
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