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Links to 3D photography and stereography resources and related sitesThere are hundreds of websites with info about stereography, 3D, VR, and related topics. Below are some of the best. 3D and stereo viewers, views, books, cameras, and suppliesBerezin Stereo Photography Products sells the best viewers for this site and most other stereo sites and books for only $3 at Click here to go directly to the page with ordering info. The rest of the site, at sells viewers, books, and rare Y-shaped cable releases for twinned cameras. He also has a great links page. 3D Concepts at sells 3D cameras, including some nifty 3D digital rigs, a wide range of viewers, and other accessories. Reel 3-D Enterprises at had the most extensive catalog of viewers, supplies, and tools for stereographers and collectors but they closed recently. There is still a wealth of info on the site. Dalia Miller is a good source for rare old equipment and View-Master reels. Duncan Woods of Cygnus Graphic is another fine source, especially for books and viewers. 602-279-7658. Auctions. Viewers, old rare stereocards, View-Master reels, books, and camera gear are frequently sold on auction sites such as eBay and Amazon 3D Book Productions is a good source for books. Email for a catalog at Dr. George Themelis wrote the book on the Stereo Realist, literally, and sells cameras and repairs them. His book "How to Use and Maintain Your Stero Realist" is also an excellent tutorial on stereography. Alan Lewis is a craftsman who makes beautiful wood lorgnette viewers and Holmes viewers with excellent achromatic lenses. Buy them at and RBT Cameras makes twin lens cameras created by fusing two cameras together. One source is the manufacturer in Germany, and another is the distributer in the US San Francisco Imaging is, at the moment, the only place to get Stereojet printing. Dan Shelley has a great list of books related to 3D available through, a great links list, and a lot of other useful info. is a huge site with a wealth of info on stereo topics with an overview of hardware and software, product comparison charts, news, reviews, know-how, homebrew-VR, discussion board. Independent, non-commercial. David Burder makes the very special Burdlo cameras in London and sells supplies, prints lenticulars, consults, and does custom print jobs especially for ad agencies and industry Cameta Camera is a large camera store with a lot of used equipment. About half way down the page they list stereo gear. Rainbow Symphony is one of the largest manufacturers of paper 3D Glasses. They produce a wide range of lens styles and can do custom printing and specialty die cuts. Collections of stereoviewsJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The Pathfinder 3-D Anaglyph Stereo Image Archive is at University of California Riverside is the home of the Keystone-Mast collection, the largest library of stereo photos in the world, the complete Keystone collection. Museum of the History of Science at Oxford has a large collection of antique photos and equipment Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum. Contains stereoviews, engravings, maps, and documents illustrating the history of the first transcontinental railroad. The CPRR Museum website now includes EXHIBITS with more than 2,300 online images, mostly stereoviews. The HISTORY section has some 19th century photography articles on stereoscopy, and reprinted articles from Stereo World. These can be reached by clicking on the Exhibits and History buttons. Making stereoviews and 3D photosThere are several software packages available for sale or as shareware or even freeware. I have just begun reviewing them so the list is just starting. StereoPhoto Maker. Freeware java applet for making stereoviews, anaglyphs, and more. William3D. This person is a specialist in making faux 3D for 3D images from 2D images. More 3D and stereographic linksStereoscopic 3D Web Ring. This association has links to more than 150 member sites. has a great list of links. The National Stereographic Association (NSA) at publishes an excellent quarterly magazine called Stereo World. NSA also sponsors an excellent annual conference with slide shows, seminars, swap meets, and an exhibit area with everything from rare old stereographs to the works of contemporary stereographers. |
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